Explore the world beyond our known world, the world of Nature Elementals & Beings, the world of Earth and Sky Beings, the world of Spirit and the Universe.Find your place within the Master Plan of our journey here on earth. Solidify your intentions with an open and compassionate heart.
~ INITIATION OF A SHAMAN ~ I completed my Greenlandic Shamanic training commitments in the traditions of Greenland with Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq in 2019, Sacred Valley Greenland. I received the Spirit name and power animal Black Bear. Black Bear in the Greenlandic language is Allaq. I was told that Black Bear will be uniting and merging with my Polar Bear power animal. This combination forespeaks of the evolution and eventual mating of these two species of bears. Black Bear the protector
I have accepted the spiritual responsibilities of a shaman, Walking the shamanic path bringing back ceremony
I had planned to one day share the messages I received from natural and supernatural world around me, messages from the Ancestors and from the Ancient Ones. Having saved these messages over a course of 10 years, I felt that timing would present the opportunity to compile them. I had been struck down with debilitating illness for over an entire year, June 2019 – August 2020 that included two surgeries with a third on the horizon. The “global pandemic,” a term coined for the massive virus scare soon to be a year now also gave me the solitude to focus. During this ramp up of protocols worldwide I was having my second surgery, which involved the neck area of the spinal cord. The first surgery was for kidney stone. I was in two hospitals, one for the surgery and one for rehabilitation. During which time I was put in virus lock down as well as locking down both hospitals. I had shared a room in intensive care with a supposed virus patient causing us both to be quarantined. The scare of course went home with each and every nurse, doctor, helper and volunteer not to mention my family. I stated to the Infectious Disease Control Specialist doctor, “ I know I do not have the virus so please test again, I believe it is a false positive.” Meanwhile the word had already been sent out to my home community at another location. The community health department responded to my situation stating that there was no such thing as a FALSE POSITIVE. Further testing concluded that the lab results were contaminated and that neither I nor the other patient had the virus. The humorous part is when the infectious disease doctor came to my room without all the hazard gear they had been wearing to visit me, he raised his arms in a stance of amazement and asked. “Do you have some special connection to the Universe?” I am learning to walk again healing my physical body but I also needed to heal my Spirit from the entire trauma. By remembering the teachings from the Ancestors, the Ancient Ones and my own insights, I am finding healing once again. Walking strong and powerful as I am truly meant to be.
Forward For "Messages From The Ancestors" From Angaangaq Gayle Allaq, my dear one, I feel so privileged to be the one to write a foreword on your book about Ancestors. As you know our people, the indigenous world in North America in that little part of the world called the Turtle Island, they say that our ancestors are like our roots, of a tree or any plant that put their roots in the earth. And every one of us goes really really deep, because we have a long ancestry. The health of the plant and the health of the flower depends on the roots of that plant. And when we see that incredible beauty shining in front of us of a blossoming flower, it is the proof of that plant is healthy to its core. We have lost that, as we did not understand the importance of that teaching when the new people came to our continent and we start to believe what they did. Those people who came to our land did not believe in ancestors and they did not honor the ancestors. Remember you came to my land where my family have lived more than 5000 years, and the only land where people live and there has never been war. You saw the beauty of the land and the people who walk there. When you yourself walked there you probably noticed the peace within yourself, which means that according to my understanding of the teachings of my people is that you felt yourself deep rooted on that land. I pray as people read your book that they will see their own beauty because then they will begin to clean the roots, carefully taking of the dirt of that plant. But because we live on this earth there will always be someone who’s not good in our family. You don’t blamethat person of, you say thank you and then gently cut it off. Because they say that if that person who has not done good in my family remains there, gradually that persons energy will eat up the rest of the root. So therefor I pray that we will begin to understand deeper within ourselves the importance of our ancestors I look forward to seeing you again and embrace you my dear, and remember you are the Allaq, the black bear the one who comes at night. The one who stands clearly in the sun, because you contrast both your energies, remember that? Feel my love and my gratitude that you are in my world.
Angaangaq is a shaman, traditional healer, storyteller and carrier of the Qilaut (winddrum), whose family belongs to the traditional healers of the Far North from Kalaallit Nunaat, Greenland. His name means ‘The Man Who Looks Like His Uncle’. Since he was a child he was trained by his family- especially by his Grandmother Aanakasaa – for becoming a shaman. The spiritual task given by his mother is: “Melting the Ice in the Heart of Man”. Angaangaq bridges the boundaries of cultures and faiths in people young and old. His work has taken him to over 70 countries around the world. He conducts circles, seminars and Aalaartiviit – traditional sweat lodges. His teachings are deeply rooted in the wisdom of the oral healing traditions of his people, which enabled people over thousands of years to survive in one of the harshest places on Earth. Angaangaq is a keynote speaker at international conferences about climate change, environment, spiritual and indigenous issues.
Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq Ice Wisdom International
I dedicate this HONOUR BOOK of teachings to my friends, my family, my daughters and grandchildren who love me, challenge me and support my continued growth. I thank all the wonderful spiritual clients around the world that put their trust in me to create their sacred drums. These Ancestral Drums I have created are many of the photos featured throughout the book. The outbreak of the 2020 pandemic really shone light in the greatness of others. Instead buckling to fear, real or imagined these doctors, nurses, caregivers, clerks, volunteers and transportation of goods served the needs of people. They are our front line workers and angels in this, believed by many to be a World Crises. Many of these people do not stand in the limelight for acknowledgement; the majority of these people are within limited means. Blessings to ALL who are working diligently to inspire and give us hope and share possible visions of a new world. Blessings and Love
Gayle Crosmaz – White Raven - Allaq/Black Bear
INTRODUCTION The goal of my writings is toact as an intermediary between the Natural and Supernatural Worlds of existence. The teachings shared by the Natural World of living and non-living Beings provide guidance. Once we allow ourselves to let go of present belief patterns, the insights one gains encourages growth. The messages are often powerful and emotional experiences as we each delve deeper into our own beliefs and challenges, to obtain self-realization. Compiled in the pages of this Honour Book are many of the teachings I have had the privilege to come to know and understand. Teachings gleaned from the Natural World, are from our relations of Mother Earth herself. While other teachings are shared with me from the Ancestors and guides who walk in the Spirit World or Supernatural World. Many insights are part of my own physical DNA, cellular memories of my Ancestors from across time. I am a ceremonial drum maker and artist whose drums are guided and channeled from the Ancestors of the Spirit World. Each sacred medicine drum is created in ceremony and prayer. During this process the guides and spirits of the client are in council with my guides. The messages for the drum’s specific purpose will vary from person to person as indicated by the cosmic forces. Each drum has its own story; both the drum maker and the client discover the drums’ story as it unfolds. Many images of my drums and myself in ceremony that are shared through out the pages of this book are my own personal (nonprofessional) photos.
The chapters cover prayers and ceremonies that I have been taught or guided to perform. You will uncover insights to Dreams, Visions and perhaps discover your own Inner Wisdom and Life Path Purpose. We will explore the Quantum Field within us and explore the cosmic field of the universe. Finishing with some personal narratives of encouragement.
~ AM I A SHAMAN? ~ My in-depth Spiritual journey began one sunny day in 2007 with a discovery of a stone. My husband was digging postholes along the side of our Victorian home here in Ontario, Canada. We live along the ancient north route of the Mound Builders of former times. As I was handed the first stone he found, a flashback showed me how the stone came to be there and who lost it. As the Stone Age tool communicated with me, over time it showed me many cosmic teachings. The stone helped me remember that it once belonged to me/my ancient self; I was a female Shaman or Medicine Woman.
I was not sure how to go about discovering more details of my beginnings; there fore I approached an Ojibway Shaman who visits a First Nations community near me. I looked at him with questioning eyes stating; “I know I am a Shaman but I do not know how to be a Shaman.” The advice he gave changed the destiny of my life. The Elder shared with me these words; “to determine if you are a Shaman you must follow several vision quests. Talk to the Creator, Go out on the land and hear Mother Earth speak, Seek out the Elders and listen to their stories, heal yourself and if you are a shaman you will remember that you are a Shaman.” That afternoon when I returned home I created sage smoke-prayers asking the Creator; “Am I a Shaman?” It only took a few moments when suddenly I felt a shaft of energy pierce my body like a bolt of lightening. I began shaking and crying as I listened to The Creator who spoke deep inside of me. These are the statements the Great One made that day. “You are Shaman! Now get rid of your ego. If you think you are doing all the healing, you are not. I am doing the healing and YOU are my vessel. If you think you need to know everything, you do not. I will tell you want you need to know when you need to know it. Can you do this?” Through my tears my answer was yes. Over the next several months and then years the Creator and the Ancestors began to place many powerful Shamanic Teachers, Wisdom Keepers and Elders on my path. In 2010 I was drawn to learn the old Hawaiian techniques with Hawaiian Kahuna Harry Uthane Jim from Hawaii. I still follow many of his teachings and techniques of Lomilomi and Ho’oponoopono. In 2011 I also started my studies with Andean Wisdom Keeper Jhaimy Alvarez-Acosta. I travelled to Peru’s sacred mountain temples, participated in ceremonies and obtained some Amazon jungle teachings.In 2014 Greenlandic Shaman Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq entered my life changing the direction of my world once again.
Thank you Creator for all the blessed teachings from these amazing Shamans and Wisdom Keepers of Ancient Knowledge